Rev. Daniel Kirienye Maina

Dean of Students

Welcome Message

Greetings in the name of the Lord.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to St. Paul's University’s Students’ Affairs Section. As the Dean of Students, it is my privilege to introduce you to the University and to offer you some insights into the unique opportunities and challenges that await you here.

St. Paul's University is a Christian ecumenical University that has been committed to providing high-quality education to students in Kenya and beyond for over 120 years. The University is founded on the principles of Christian faith, scholarship, and service, and we are dedicated to nurturing students who are not only well-educated but also grounded in values that are essential for successful and meaningful social and professional lives. We are proud of our diverse student body, which includes students from various backgrounds and cultures, and we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that celebrates diversity and promotes understanding and respect for all.

As you embark on your academic journey here at St. Paul's University, I encourage you to take advantage of the many opportunities that the University has to offer. We offer a wide range of academic programmes, clubs, organizations, and extracurricular activities that are designed to help you grow academically, personally, and spiritually. I also encourage you to actively engage with your peers and professors, ask questions, seek guidance, and take responsibility for your learning. Remember that your success is not only dependent on what you learn in the lecturer theatres but also on your willingness to take risks, explore new ideas, and challenge yourself to be the best that you can be.

Our main activities include:

  • Orientation to the University community and facilities
  • Enforcing university rules and regulations among the students
  • Processing students loan forms, leave of absence, letters of introduction, and recommendations
  • Provision and facilitation of conducive students’ accommodation
  • Facilitating financial aid by linking students to relevant governmental and non-governmental sponsorship programmes
  • Registration of clubs and associations
  • Spiritual oversight
  • Counseling and mentorship services
  • Sports and co-curricular activities
  • Students’ clubs and socializing platforms
  • Running the work-study programs for needy students
  • Talent scholarships for creative arts and games/sports
  • Cultural week/Gala night
  • SPUSA Elections
  • SPUSA activities

In conclusion, I welcome you to St. Paul's University and look forward to working with you as you pursue your academic and personal goals. May God bless you on this journey.
Thank you.

Rev. Daniel Kirienye Maina
Dean – Students Affairs