The Institutional Scientific Ethics Review Committee (SPU-ISERC) fosters research among faculty, staff and students by approving, monitoring and reviewing research proposals/protocols.


Service Charter

St. Paul’s University is an internationally recognized private university with a long-standing reputation for providing high quality holistic training anchored on Christian values since 1903. St. Paul’s University - Institutional Scientific Ethics Review Committee (SPU-ISERC) is accredited by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). Its mandate involves approving, monitoring, and reviewing research proposals/protocols involving human subjects, including research proposals for Undergraduate, Masters and PhD research by faculty, staff, and students from within and outside St. Paul’s University, regardless of the location of the research or source of funding.

A Research Committee of Integrity, Efficiency, Excellence, Accountability and Transparency. 

To promote quality research by ensuring that human subjects and their data meet the expected standards and scientific merit (local and international).

Core values:
The committee will uphold professional ethics, integrity, equity, and customer centric in its service.

What we do: 
Receive, review and offer feedback on protocols of research projects/proposals involving human subjects and their data and ensuring that the expected standards and scientific merit (local and international) are adhered to. 

Commitment to our customers: 
Our aim is to provide our services in an efficient, accountable, transparent and ethical way; treating our customers with respect and equity.

Rights and Responsibilities of our customers:  

  • Our customers have a right to respect, equal treatment and to receive excellent and efficient services in a professional and ethical way. Equally, it is their right to submit complaint(s) if aggrieved while receiving these services. 
  • We will expect our customers to uphold the ethical standards when communicating and/or receiving our services by treating our staff and also when submitting any complaints on the services provided.

Your views are welcome when reviewing the Service Charter after every three years