School of Theology

Rev. Dr. John Michael Kiboi
HOD, Theology, Philosophy & Biblical Studies
HOD, Theology, Philosophy & Biblical Studies
Academic Qualifications
PhD(Catholic University of East Africa); MA (University of Toronto); BD (St. Paul's)
The Rev. Dr. John Michael Kiboi, is Senior Lecturer and Head of Department for Biblical, Theology and Philosophy in the School of Theology of St. Paul’s University. He holds a PhD in Dogmatic Theology from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, a Masters of Arts in Theology from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Divinity from St. Paul’s University. He has authored three books, and several articles in the areas of Systematic Theology, African Christian Studies, Philosophy and inter-religious disciplines.
- Kiboi, John Michael. "Rethinking Catechesis of Forgiveness in the Context of Historical Injustices." African Theological Journal for Church and Society5, no. 1 (2024): 105-124.
- Mwangi, John Kamau, and John Kiboi. "Athanasius’ Physical-Substitutionary Theory of Atonement & the Agikuyu Christians’ Fear of Kirumi: Towards an Existential-Transcendental Theology of Atonement." Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences (JJEOSHS)6, no. 1 (2023): 1-9.
- Omutia, Patrick, and John M. Kiboi. "Substitutionary Atonement In The Light Of Vicarious Liability." African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research7, no. 2 (2022): 89-100.
- Wanjohi, Jackson N., and John M. Kiboi. "Ancestral Christology vis-à-vis Postmodernism: Towards a Reconstructive Guest Christology in Continental Africa." Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences (JJEOSHS)5, no. 1 (2022): 1-11.
- John Michael Kiboi, “Pneumatology and Mission of the Church in Postmodern Africa: The Holy Spirit in Trinitarian Theology as Panacea”. In The Holy Spirit in African Christianity, pp. 49-69. Langham, 2022.
- Kiboi, John Michael. "Family as the Church in Miniature: A Panacea to Domestic Violence in Christian Families in Africa." Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Theologia Orthodoxa67, no. 1 (2022): 75-94.
- Gomes Alberto C. and Kiboi John M. “Ubuntu Eucharist as Solution to the ‘Open Table Debate’ In Africa”. Africa Multidisciplinary Journal of Research, 7 issue 1, (2022): 112-129
- John Michael Kiboi. “Who are you for us Yesu Kristo? Christological Confessions of the Early Church in Contemporary Africa: A Methodological Question” In Who Do You Say That I Am? Christology in Africa, pp. 221-238. Langham, 2021.
- Ndegerege, David. "Efficacy of the Eucharist in the light of Igongona: towards Agĩkũyũ Sacramental theology of Inculturation." PhD diss., St Paul's University, 2019.
- John Michael Kiboi, “Inter-Religious Conflicts in 21st Century: Dialectical-Scepticism as a Panacea” African Ecclesial Review (AFER), March/June 2017): 89-120.
- John Michael Kiboi, “Towards a Theodicy of Divine Impotence as a Solution to the Problem of Evil”, African Christian Studies, Vol. 33, No. 2 June (2017).
- John Michael Kiboi, “They Shall Not Inherit the Kingdom of God” Is the Bible’s Language of Judgment and Sin too Condemnatory to Patiently Deal with Human Sins?” Testamentum Imperium, Vol. 5, No. 6b (2016).
- John Michael Kiboi, “From a Post-Colonial Hermeneutic of Suspicion to a Dialectical Theology of Instantaneous and Progressive Divine Revelation” African Christian Studies. December 2015.
- John Michael Kiboi, “The Imperative of the Great Commission and the Quest for Christian-Muslim Relationship: Dialogue, Diapraxis or Inculturation?” African Christian Studies. September 2015.
- John Michael Kiboi, “Theological Inculturation and the Problem of Syncretism: Towards a Noetic Approach as a Remedy against Syncretism”, African Christian Studies, Vol. 28, Number 2, June 2012.
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