EARLY CAREER WORKSHOP: Politics & Religion in the Public Square (21st Oct 2023)

EARLY CAREER WORKSHOP: Politics & Religion in the Public Square (21st Oct 2023)

The Joshua and Timothy School of Theology, St. Paul’s University in conjunction with the Yale Macmillan Center, Project on Religious Freedom and Society in Africa is co-hosting a HYBRID early-career workshop for postgraduate students and postdocs. 

This EARLY CAREER WORKSHOP is a great opportunity for Masters and PhD students as well as postdoctoral scholars to develop their research skills as they work on their various projects. The theme is Politics and Religion in the Public Square. Sessions will include paper presentations and mentoring sessions on research, publications and career development.

The workshop will be hosted on Saturday 21st Oct 2023 at St. Paul's University and the keynote speaker/facilitator is Prof. Kyama Mugambi, from Yale Divinity School. Prof. Winnie Kamau, Dean of the School of Law, University of Nairobi, and Dr. Linda Ochola of Hatua Trust will offer responses to the keynote.

More details on the poster.

Online participation is free but registration is required and you can register here: https://forms.gle/pwzdfcyc4fGWy32b9