Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
In line with Kenyas Vision 2030 and with the promulgation of a new constitution in Kenya, it is paramount that we build better communities that are responsible for their own development. The Bachelor of Science degree in Community Development directly responds to these challenges by endeavouring to equip community development workers with required knowledge and skills that will enable them act as facilitators in community development in all dimensions.
Bachelor of Arts in Counseling & Psychology
The Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology (BACP) programme introduces students to the core areas of Psychology, by exposing them to broad based academic and experiential exposure to the science of behavior that guides the work of Counseling Psychologists.
Bachelor of Business Administration & Management
The Program is broad, based with a strong emphasis on small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development. It aims at preparing men and women who will be self reliant with skills and managerial capacity to mobilize resources for Development especially in the rural areas where the majority of Kenyans live.
Bachelor of Business and Information Technology
The program equips graduates with both business management skills and information technology. It combines the key aspects of Information Technology (covering areas such as software development, communications and networking, security systems analysis, database, etc.) with key facets of business such as accounting, operations management, organization behavior, etc. This combination of skills and knowledge prepares graduates to be immediately productive in the modern work environment.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
As a university subject, Computer Science goes far beyond the IT you can study at school. Just as a course on transport engineering would go beyond what you might learn in your driving lessons or a car maintenance class.